6 rules for successful learning


By the Learning Solutions team at Cegos

The effective transfer of learning occurs through a variety of factors, but it starts, from the outset, in the way we design and monitor the learning paths: what tools and resources are used? What synchronous and asynchronous moments are included? Will learners go beyond theory and knowledge exposure? Will they have access to lectures, interactive e-learning modules, virtual classes, case studies, videos and other multimedia materials? Will they experiment and practice through case simulation, problem solving and implementation in the real world? Will they be followed through their progress and share their experiences with other learners, line managers, colleagues or peers?

We believe that efficiently developing skills and truly accelerating performance occurs through learning that goes far beyond the mere acquisition of knowledge. To make it happen, we identified 6 steps for successful learning:

1 – It takes more than theory… practice and feedback are key

Knowing the theory isn’t enough to master an area… and mistakes are part of the learning process. They tell us that we’re stepping out of our comfort zone. They help us learn! Therefore, thorough feedback (tests, problem-solving, on-job exercises …) helps learners correct their mistakes and improve their skills, practices and behaviours.

2 – Variety is the spice of learning - combine different ways of sharing key concepts

Learn to clarify and manage the amount of information you want to deliver, combining different resources: text, images, sound, video, animations, etc. Select the information to be highlighted and provide simple materials with properly structured and organised information.

3 – Build mental shortcuts and pathways to boost recall

Draw a storyline to link various concepts or tools and language (metaphors, acronyms, emotions…). Linking content and concepts makes it easier to build neural-pathways and access the learning when it’s needed.

4 – Bring the right information at the right time

Avoid moments of mental overload that can impede or block the learning process. Limit the information to be absorbed. Vary perspectives and delivery methods to consolidate essential content. Also divide the content into manageable pieces, divided into sequences, and adapt each one of them to the level and profile of the learners. You can read more about information overload in our previous blog post.

5 – Stimulate learners’ focus and attention

Remember that the brain is less efficient when doing multiple things at the same time. Often one minute focused is better than five minutes of fuzzy thinking! Give clear, organised instructions, concentrate on the essentials, and build content gradually. It will help learners to stay focused, motivated and aligned to their learning journey and goals.

6 – Set the right level of challenge

Encourage learners to build on their existing proficiency level, taking one small step at a time. Alternate the concepts to be learned, provide different types of support (tutoring, mentoring, coaching …). Learners will then have the opportunity to make their own connections between concepts, experiment and put into practice. Being active agents of their own learning process in a progressive and consistent process.

Our learning solutions capitalise on all these steps to allow effective transfer of learning to the real world and build effective habits that stick. Find out more about the four beliefs that define our approach.