Social Responsibility
At Cegos we’re proud of the corporate social responsibility actions we’re taking with our employees and our wider stakeholder groups: customers, employees, shareholders, and international communities.
Cegos has implemented a number of practices which aim to reduce the impact of our activity on the environment, particularly in terms of resource consumption.
- We continuously carry out a process of dematerialisation of documents as well as drastic actions to reduce the company's paper consumption.
- We have adopted an active “Green IT” approach which aims to reduce our electricity consumption and CO2 emissions (for example, by encouraging the development of meetings by video conference, etc.).

For several years, Cegos has contributed to the education of populations in the most deprived countries, alongside several non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
- Since 2012, Cegos has been a “Friendly Company of Unicef”, helping to finance the rehabilitation of schools in Africa (Mozambique, Niger). Cegos has been supporting the Planète Urgence association for 10 years: more than 100 humanitarian missions have been carried out by Cegos teams through solidarity leave and 30,000 school kits have been financed for young children in Africa.
- By supporting the LINGOs association (Learning In NGO's), Cegos makes its e-learning modules available to 45 large international NGOs (Save the Children, Care, WWF, etc.) and to the populations receiving assistance. More than 36,000 humanitarian workers and professionals from the non-profit sector have access to Cegos e-learning modules thanks to two programs run by the Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation.
- Cegos also makes its training modules available to the Social Entrepreneur Academy created by Accenture and the NGO 1001 Fontaines in order to support the training of entrepreneurs in developing countries (India, Cambodia, Madagascar, etc.).
People at the heart of our development
With 1,000 employees and 3,000 partners around the world, we are a leader on a human scale.
At Cegos, it is the people and teams that make the difference, through their high level of expertise and their ability to embody the Group's three values on a daily basis: Commitment, Agility, Sharing.
Diversity is a reality within the Group, whether it is the clients we support, the services deployed, (individual training, team training, transformation projects, international training projects, Digital Learning, outsourced management of training ...), trades represented and profiles recruited.
Skills development is in our DNA. Each employee is supported to progress in their profession and develop professionally, from their initial integration path to the training courses carried out each year. Thanks to a solid culture of cooperation and innovation, everyone is in a position to constantly develop their talents.