Deliver a high quality customised training portfolio addressed at all corporate delegates - Santander

“The CMC training curriculum is the foundation of Banco Santander move towards a new culture throughout the Group, involving senior management and all employees in building an increasingly Simple, Personal and Fair bank. The excellent feedbacks we have received so far from over 2000 managers and individual contributors who have been participating to the Cegos programs are not only due to the quality of the contents but also certainly to a very good cultural fit with the Cegos team."
María Elena Cantalapiedra,CMC Director
Banco Santander has established a cross-functional curriculum called CMC, open worldwide to different profiles: Top managers, middle managers and technical / operational profiles. It is aligned with the Group’s values: Personal, Simple, Fair.
In the frame on this curriculum Cegos Spain was asked to design 3 courses customized to the banking business specificities and to the Banco Santander’s values and key behaviours. •Effective Presentation Techniques •Negotiation: Principles and Practices •The Keys for Effective Negotiations
We were also asked to deliver them in Spanish & English to corporate participants that were currently working either in the Spanish headquarters or on any international offices.
The curriculum was designed in close collaboration with Banco Santander, and was reviewed and enhanced every year introducing new cases, aligning with new corporate strategies; benefitting from cross-catalogue update.
- Design and rollout of the curriculum in close collaboration with Banco Santander
- Maximum alignment of trainers with the specificities of the sector and the organization (excellent onboarding to business and culture, +10 trainers participating)
- Continuous expansion, to reach over 3000 participants in the last 5 years.
- Excellent participants’ feedbacks average satisfaction 9.0 in a scale 1-10.
Key success factors
- Excellent participants’ feedbacks average satisfaction 9.0 in a scale 1-10.
- Cegos experience in training international audiences
- Excellent fit between Banco Santander and the trainers’ team.