How are new technologies changing the future of training and HR?


What are the increasingly sought-afterskills in the 21st Century, and how are they affecting training andHR?

We will all need skills such as the abilityto produce and analyse big data, knowledge of cybersecurity techniques, theability to integrate the internet of things, use of social management, andexpertise in distance networking.

All of these skills and the latest technologiesare having a growing impact on training and HR, as SteveDineen discovers.

Here is his simplified guide to the latesttrends…

The YouTubeeffect on training

Video is everywhere online. Young people,especially, are watching video clips on YouTube on a daily basis.

When we need to find out how to dosomething, we search for a ‘how to’ video on YouTube.

That passion for video has also permeatedthe world of education.

Training videos must not only be concise,pleasing, and attractive, just as viral videos are, but they must also be ableto impart learning.

The smartphone isnow our main tool

We use our smartphones for everything fromgaming and social interaction to banking and shopping.

Many of us also want to access trainingcontent on our phones, so formats and the content must both be mobile-friendly,too.

We need to embracethe “beauty of change”

This constant need forchange stems from a management vision that isclearly financially-driven.

Data analysis isa game changer

We live in a world where mostonline interactions as well as access to management, purchasing, andsupply processes are traceable and have the capacity to be analysed.

So, this information is a fundamental analyticalresource for training providers.

Skills changeas the world changes

The basic training skills remain the samebut technological changes require the introduction ofnew specialist skills.

We’re not talking about simply ‘bolting on’a young social media expert to training teams.

It’s about deciding which typicalskills taught through training should be taught using new,interactive methods (from analysis to design).

Executive levelsponsorship is necessary

Senior management in the C-suite must nowbe actively involved in deciding training needs and promoting traininginitiatives.

The active contribution of managementis no longer simply an option, it is needed.

Technology isthe tool, not the goal

Learning technological skills is not an endin itself.

Technology in training must aidlearning or professional skills.

What’s the wayforward?

The short answer is that we should respect some design aspectstypical of the best advanced training.

We must:

  1. Rememberthe purpose of training. It is intended to producelearning which is aligned with the business goals and prospects ofthe company.
  2. Design training asa learning experience, as it always has been. Let’s continue this idea andunderstand the meaning and sense of the experience fromthe user’s perspective.
  3. Design training as if it wasa project. We need to start from strategic business perspectives, explorethe available information, and make assumptions aboutthe operational scenario. We also need to avoid working in routine ways.